Several days later, while at work, a co-worker of mine brought in several trays of starters she had, but could not use this year. What great luck! So, as you might imagine, arriving home with more plants just made our daughter smile. We planted two Pole Bean plants, and a Poblano Chili plant. So far everything seems to be taking. I think the other day, I even noticed some flower buds developing on our tomato plants. Fun, fun, fun!
Follow a family's attempt to create a vegetable garden in a "postage stamp" size area.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
A New Beginning
Several days later, while at work, a co-worker of mine brought in several trays of starters she had, but could not use this year. What great luck! So, as you might imagine, arriving home with more plants just made our daughter smile. We planted two Pole Bean plants, and a Poblano Chili plant. So far everything seems to be taking. I think the other day, I even noticed some flower buds developing on our tomato plants. Fun, fun, fun!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Oh, Your Still Here?
I can not believe that is has been over a year since my last posting, but then again we have experienced a lot of changes. The biggest change is that we sold our house and moved to southern California. Although bummed to leave behind our garden (and really well conditioned soil), this move has now presented us with a whole new set of conditions to work with. The soil is hard and rocky, the space is even smaller, and I've managed to procrastinate longer than expected. To be completely honest, I was quite sure if I wanted to try growing vegetables this year. However, I noticed that over the past year, I have periodically daydreamed about starting another garden, wondering how I would battle the soil, decide what to plant, how to deal with new pests and weather conditions. So...what's my grand plan? I am going to try growing four to five different vegetables in large pots. Currently, I'm leaning towards, tomatoes (cherry or pear and beefsteak), peas (my daughters favorite), cucumber, bell peppers, and maybe some herbs or onions. Okay, ready...and...break.
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