Sunday, May 16, 2010

Getting Schooled

Reading through the "Vegetable Gardener's Bible" tonight, I learned that planting broccoli coming into the summer months is way...way...way to early. Broccoli prefers cooler fall conditions, and soils with abundant amounts of boron, which I'm going to go out on limb here and say that our soil is lacking in boron.

Based on what I've read, it is likely that our carrot shave not started because either the soil temperatures have not been high enough (maybe?), or more likely, the area receives too much shade.

I think the reason that our pepper haven't taken off is due to soil temperatures. I think what I will do it build a mini-green house covering over the cells to help build higher soil temperatures. I think that this might be a worthy approach for the carrots.


What a way to spend a Sunday morning, giving the garden a little tender loving care. This included going midieval of the new growths of crab grass, which I slashed, chopped, and hacked them into submission, welding my hoe like the sword of When I was done lying down the law, I water each cell, giving each a really nice soak. My hope is that this will help drive the roots down, making the plants stronger and more productive. This give me the opportunity to work on the drainage of each cell, so that all areas receive an even (or close too) amount of water. Thinking of next year, before I seed the cells, I think I will try to level each then, or have each drain towards a center line. In addition to the watering today, we are expected to get more rain tomorrow. Not sure how much, but I anything will be perfect.

This evening, I spent more time looking over our plants, figuring out out what's working, and what needs to be thinned to eliminate overcrowding. Most plants are doing well, with the exception of the carrots and broccoli. These guys just are not taking off, and I not exactly sure why. Looks like I will be going a little research, they might not make the team roster next year...dun-dun-dun.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gardener, 1 - Weeds, 0

A few nights ago, my wife and I spent an hour pulling the ever growing and encroaching crabgrass. We were absolutely amazed at the extensive root system even the smallest plants have established. Wow. So last night, I used one of the tips from Ed Smith's book, I sharpened the business end of our hoe. I was absolutely amazed at how effective it was at removing the weeds, cutting them down just below the surface. Cool Beans! This will make future weeding much easier, because you know that just like the Terminator, they'll be back.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Grow, Baby, Grow!!

Our garden is growing little by little. To date, all of our seeds have sprouted with the exception of broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers. Other than our intended plants, we are also enjoying a mild invasion of crab grass sprouts.