Saturday, March 20, 2010

The "WORD" according to Ed

I've been meaning to share with everyone the reference guide that I have found extremely helpful, and while sitting here resting after a half-day in the garden, I will share it with you all. "The Vegetable Gardener's Bible" by Edward C. Smith. Thank you to, for the image of the book cover. I highly recommend anyone who is interested in starting a garden, and haven't done so in the past, visit the link above and purchase your copy. My copy is well loved, with flags and dog-ears marking all of the valuable information found within.

Inside, the book guides the reader though a comprehensive education about seeds, planting those seed, the requirements of the individual plants, and on and on. The book also provides suggestions of how to layout your garden, deal with pests, and compost.

Great job Ed, and thanks for the book!

Dirty Hands...Clean Mind

...Or at least that's what they say in that Florida orange juice commercial. I think it's appropriate here, I can barely think as it is. I am tired. My wife (the one who always keeps me balanced) reminded me not to push so hard that I completely wear myself out, which I have done in the past. So, with her support I began ripping our all of the grass, weeds, rocks, and pavers. I was also fortunate to have found four sprinkler heads, and not having broken a single one. I estimate I spent 4-hours yesterday and another 4-hours today. Next, I plan on sifting the dirt from the sod, returning it back to our garden plot. I haven't extended the garden plot to the fence line yet, but plan on measuring to determine if I need the extra 2 to 3 feet (I think I will anyway).

The plants in the green-house are thriving, so much that I have purchased larger biodegradable pots for some of them to go into. More later...time to rest.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rock 'n' Roll Compost

Oh, good golly Miss Molly! After tracking the package from New Jersey to California, our EcoComposter arrived Monday afternoon. Somewhat to our surprise, it was in a smaller box than we had expected.

"I think there's going to be some assembly required." said my wife jokingly.

That night after dinner, my daughter and I embarked on the task of constructing our Ball-O-Compost. We were able to assemble the panels for half of the ball that night (time for night-night). The next afternoon, after arriving home from work, we started in again. I have to say, that I think my daughter is absolutely brilliant. She was helping me put the rivets in the plates. Despite all of her help, it still took me almost 6-hours to construct the ball, and two bases.

The base, seen here with my daughter, is designed so the ball rests on six caster wells. This make rolling the ball around on the base super easy. Although I finished building everything around 10 o'clock (well after my little helper had gone to the land of nod), I was not going to join her until I had filled the ball with the materials we had been saving over the past several weeks.

The instructions recommend turning the ball once a day, that is exactly what I did when I got home. Very very easy. Now, we will see if I can make compost without it busting into fire or smelling like a landfill.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, someone might ask me - how supportive is your family...

They are so supportive that I will be the new proud owner, or at least will be as soon as it is delivered, of a new ECO-Composter...with base. Purchased from, it is scheduled to be delivered in four day. In anticipation, my family and I have been diverting our vegetable and fruit scraps from the kitchen, and this weekend will be mowing our lawns. When the hamster ball-O-compost arrives, I'll be ready to start composting! Woo-Yoo!

Four-Hundred and Forty-Nine

Over the last weekend I finished planting all of our seeds in our peat pots, and our awesome little greenhouse is filled. So what did I plant you ask...are your we go:

24 - Arugula: Roquette-Ruccola
4 - Basil: Sweet
4 - Beans: Black - Black Turtle
12- Beans: Pole - Kentucky Wonder
24 - Beets: Early Wonders
8 - Broccoli: Green Goliath
24 - Brussel Sprouts
102 - Carrots: Red Core Chantenay
2 - Chives
6 - Cilantro
48 - Corn: Silver Queen
6 - Cucumber: Straight Eight
2 - Dill: Bouquet
18 - Kale: Blue Dwarf
10 - Onions: Green-Evergreen Beauty
20 - Onions: Viadhlia
2 - Oregano
2 - Parsley: Moss Curled
12 - Peas: Alaska
6 - Peppers: Bell - California Wonder
12 - Peppers: Bell-Orange Sun
6 - Peppers: Jalapeno
6 - Peppers: Poblano
20 - Radishes: Cherry - Cherry Belle
2 - Soy Beans: Disoy
6 - Spinach: Matador
12 - Squash: Butternut - Waltham
2 - Squash: Pumpkins
2 - Squash: Summer - Dixie Hybrid
12 - Squash: Zucchini - Black Beauty
1 - Strawberry Plant
18 - Swiss Chard: Liscia Verde Da Taglio
4 - Tomatoes: Beefsteak - Super Beefsteak
4 - Tomatoes: Cherry - Red Cherry
6 - Watermelon: Sugar Baby

Yeah...I think I'm good for this year. I think some of my neighbors will be good too. Maybe even all of our relatives, friends, co-workers...

I so excited!